Monday, December 30, 2019

Social Media Effects on Individuals Self-Esteem - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2065 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Topics: Self Esteem Essay Did you like this example? Social Media Effects on Individuals Self Esteem Introduction The study explores the implications of social media use on childrens self-esteem, which is considered to be among the most researchers issues affecting the users of the web-based platforms. Self-esteem denotes ones sense of pride, as well as positive assessment or self-respect. Previous studies conducted on the field show that self-esteem is enhanced through childhood but the level decreases as an individual attains the adolescent stage (Balakrishnan Fernandez, 2018). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Social Media Effects on Individuals Self-Esteem" essay for you Create order Over the recent past, the use of the Internet, especially social media has tremendously increased. It is also evident that girls who frequently use social media have a reduced self-esteem compared to boys. With the advent of the Internet and the new forms of communication, the use of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter are gradually becoming prevalent, especially among children (Balakrishnan Fernandez, 2018). Approximately 90% of children have Facebook accounts, and they spend approximately 30 minutes to two hours on social media platforms on a daily basis (Balakrishnan Fernandez, 2018). Social media can have both negative and positive effects on self-esteem depending on how one utilizes the networking platforms. Purpose of the Study The study explores the correlation between social media usage and self-esteem among children. Accordingly, research indicates that there is a link between the time spent on the social networking platforms and a reduction of face-to-face communication with family members and friends that results into a feeling of loneliness as well as depression. Study Justification The use of social media sites has gained immense popularity over the last decade and has resulted in long-lasting effects on users. The upward comparison that has been made using social media sites has caused individuals to have lower self-esteem. The significant findings from previous studies indicate that about 80% of children using social media sites engage in making comparisons social media platforms, especially Facebook.   Therefore, the study is intended to prove that usage of social media sites has a strong relationship on reduced individuals self-esteem.   Most children are using social media platforms to build relationships, interact with peers, share and gain knowledge and information and develop stronger personalities and have improved social lives. As such, one of the primary objectives of the current study is to highlight the effects of social networking sites use on the self-esteem of children. Notably, the research will divert the attention of individuals and assis ts them to analyze theirs over engagement on social media platforms and the possible consequences of lowering their self-esteem. Preview of the Research Paper This research anticipates that time spent online by children will lower affect their self-esteem. More so, the time that children spent on the social media sites viewing others profiles increases the risk for self-appreciation and lowers their self-esteem. Therefore, the study hypothesizes that the more frequent use of online sites lowers childrens self-esteem. Also, more time spent on the Internet leads to a reduced body image satisfaction. Literature Review Any means of communication through the Internet plays a vital role in peoples lives. Social media has a significant influence on a childs growth and development both in negative and positive ways. Sometimes, the use of social media creates an adverse impact on children is they use the social networking sites unnecessarily or when they spend too much time on the sites (Wang et al., 2017). Some of the common concerns of social media use are that it exposes children to violence, aggression, as well as offensive language. However, there are times when children can use social media sites to help them keep in contact with their loved ones (Smith, 2014).   However, when children use social media sites with unreasonable limits can cause problems such as behavioral change and physical disability, such as hearing and visual problems. Overuse of social media sites may make children fearful of the environment around them that can result in aggression towards their peers. Everything a child observes in the social media sites can affect them in several ways (Toma, 2013).   The constant use of social media sites are bound to affect many childrens self-esteem and could contribute to poor quality of sleep (Smith, 2014). When children compare themselves to their peers on social media by looking at the images or updating their relationship status online, they could do very little to ease their feelings of self-doubt. Many children suffer from envy. As such, it is necessary to be more conscious of the amount of time sent on looking at other peoples profiles and focus more on boosting self-confidence. Social media has already started causing major societal issues. The younger generation has begun to spend more time using social media sites and has affected their view of society and themselves. Children are becoming increasingly comfortable with sharing themselves on the online platforms, and this lack of privacy has become a critical issue that needs to be taken into consideration. The easy access that children have on the Internet and social media is a matter of concern. They have become more alert with their body images at a very tender age that can be detrimental to them as they grow up (Wang et al., 2017). Most children follow only the positive accounts and fail to realize that society is not perfect. Children are also being affected by being hyper-sexualized which a very dangerous effect at a time when their lives are already dealing with hormones and peer pressure. It is believed that the problem is going to get worse throughout the years with more the emergence of more tech nology. Several studies demonstrate that social media use is linked to physical problems, such as loss of sleep and eating disorders. Increasing number of children have sleep deprivations compared to the previous generation (Cingel Olsen, 2018). Today, most children go through unusual sleep patterns that can disturb their daily routines. Most children end up with a higher risk of sleep problems. Social Media Affect Education And Learning Education is fundamental to prepare children to become responsible adults. All professionals received an education while in their youth to enhance their knowledge and skills and understand the world better. A lot has changed after the emergence of technology.   Students now know how to keep their Facebook profiles spotless. As a result, there is increased fear and anxiety that is increasingly driving the vigilance on social media use by children (Cingel Olsen, 2018). The usage of social media has resulted in a new phenomenon especially among young people and the change towards the self as a brand. However, most students understand how to protect their online reputation when it involves their accounts. Most learners are creating different accounts to protect their reputation, while at the same time enjoying full freedom of being able to lose and show their identity without worrying about the repercussions.   It is easy to understand the negative aspects of social media since it i s what is always highlighted by adults and the media (Pounders, Kowalczyk, Stowers, 2016). However, social media sites can also help students to learn more about the technology advancements and use it to do more research. More so, educators are starting to realize this and are taking advantage of the benefits of social media in nurturing the children to become responsible adults in the future.   How Social Media Affect How Children and Adolescents Learn Children can achieve developmental benefits by using social media platforms. For instance, younger children can learn literacy skills and start learning letters of the alphabet or through educational computer games. Next, younger children can learn numeracy skills by starting to learn how to count and identify shapes (Li et al., 2018). Children can also learn social skills through social media through the use of computer games and various apps that show helping behavior. For teenagers, using social media sites entails intellectual benefits such as developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills and using apps that are designed to develop such skills (Pounders, Kowalczyk, Stowers, 2016). Also, older children can develop ethical thinking skills by making a comparison to the family values. Educational benefits include conducting research and other social benefits such as online clubs through the use of social media safely (Pounders, Kowalczyk, Stowers, 2016). The use of social media includes opportunities to learn basic skills, as well as support options, through the use of peer-based or professional online counseling.   Theories of Personality The social learning theory coined by Bandura suggests that children learn everything in early life and from adults around them. As a result, children usually model their behaviors based on what they observe from home or from individuals who are close to them. Most often, children use words or phrases that may appear to be cited on them but may often create a wrong impression on their peers or other people around them. However, adults should encourage children to repeat what is right and support them to behave responsibly (Lee et al., 2014). On the other hand, the theory Skinner is used to explaining the notion of reinforcement that can be used in certain circumstances when it is ideal for grooming a positive aspect. However, reinforcement should be excluded when it goes in the wrong direction. The notion of positive reinforcement can be applied beneficially. Methodology The current study examined a group of 40 children who were asked to take part in the survey and receive credit towards their participation as a reward. The materials used in the study included a body self-esteem scale which is a systematic analysis of an individuals values and attitudes towards their appearance or body image. In the study, two versions were used to an emphasis on the specific characteristics of boys and girls. The version for boys had three subscales that were used to measure the physical attractiveness, as well as the physical condition (Lee et al., 2014). The version for girls also had three scales, which are the measured the sexual attractiveness, weight concerns, as well as physical condition. The surveys had thirty questions, and the participants were required to rate their appearance. The responses were analyzed using a scale of one to five. The higher scores were used to indicate higher body esteem. Findings The research examined the correlation between social media use and self-esteem among children. In the study, the survey was anonymous and the questions were mailed and posted online for one week. Further, the students who took part in the study earned credit for their participation as a reward. In the study, it was hypothesized frequent use of social media would negatively affect or lower self-esteem levels among the participants. Besides, it was hypothesized that increased exposure to social networking sites would lower body image. Finally, it was noted that self-esteem influences social media interaction, as well as the mental well-being of the participants. The findings of the study were analyzed and the mean scores computed between boys and girls who took part in the study.   The results from the self-esteem scales were also computed. Correlational analysis calculated between the duration spent online per day throughout the week before taking the survey and individual self-este em levels were considered not significant. Conclusion The study examined how the use of social media platforms affects the self-esteem of children. Specifically, the study sought to discover the correlation between the frequency of using online platforms and negative self-esteem on children. The current study hypothesized that more frequent use of social media sites would negatively affect self-esteem levels. The results revealed that Facebook and other social media platforms have a direct effect by lowering self-esteem due to over-exposure.   Public Relations practitioners will be specifically targeting a unique customer base by understanding the effects of social media use, especially among children. They will be able to interact more with their target audience and focus on creating unique and engaging content. In addition, the PR practitioners will mainly focus on stories that will definitely create a bond with the audience. Since social media comprises several elements, PR practitioners will broaden the scope of their services to provide a complete package for their target customers. For future research, it might be necessary to focus on the implications of social media of social media on psychological functioning and mental development on children, by focusing on aspects such as depression and anxiety. Further, it might also be fundamental to explore how the use of social media affects clinical groups with the objective of gaining a deeper insight into the psychological functioning of such individuals.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing On Animals - 1896 Words

How many animals do you think are used each year in the United States, alone for scientific and commercial animal testing? What if I told you, 26-million animals, remember just in the United States, are used yearly. Animal testing has been used for research since at least 500 B.C. Some people, such as Scientists, say it has extremely revolutionized the society that we are today, such as being able to have vaccines. If it was not for animals testing, we would not have the Hepatitis B shot. In contrast though, other people and societies, such as PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) say it is extremely cruel and inhumane to experiment on animals. In now present day, there is now an alternative way to test products and biomedical†¦show more content†¦This eventually lead the formation and founding of the Society for the Protection of Animals Liable to Vivisection in 1875, then trailed by the formation of similar groups at around the same time, all the way to now presen t day. â€Å"A May 2013 Gallup poll found that 56 percent of Americans say medical testing on animals is morally acceptable, with 39 percent saying it is morally wrong†. â€Å"Younger Americans are less likely to accept animal testing†. The poll [also] found that women are more likely to object to [animal testing]. Queen Victoria was one of the initial opponents of animal testing in England, according to a document written by her private secretary in 1875. The letter said as follows: â€Å"The Queen has been dreadfully shocked at the details of some of these [animal research] practices, and is most anxious to put a stop to them.† This then eventually led to the Great Britain’s Cruelty to Animals Act of 1876. â€Å"The USDA breaks downs its data by three classifications of pain type: animals that endure pain during their use in research, but are given drugs to ease it. (339,769 animals in 2010); animals who experience pain and are not given drugs (97,123) ; animals who do not experience pain and are not even drugs (697,801).† The US military started testing on animalsShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing937 Words   |  4 PagesAbout Animal Testing? Kaylee Smith 9-6-2017 AGR 199 Introduction and Background Not very many people think about the fact that a majority of the products they buy have been tested on animals, let alone animal testing in general. Animal testing has been going on for many years, with the use of dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, mini pigs, and farm animals. When someone brings up animal testing there usually is an argument about the pros and cons. Many people are against it because the animals are beingRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Animal Testing2973 Words   |  12 Pagescabinet has been tested on an animal at one point or another. A government funded corporation called the Food and Drug Administration, abbreviated as the FDA, is in charge of making sure that all drugs, cosmetics, biological products, and more are efficient, secure, and safe for human usage. The FDA will not allow any drug to be released or sold to the human population if it has not first been tested on animals. In fact, when a drug is first created it is tested on animals before humans are even all owedRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Animal Testing1413 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Each year in USA laboratories more then 100 million animals are burned, poisoned and lamed (Top 5 Shocking Animal Experimentation Facts). Each year scientists use animals in order to progress, to improve life of people and animals. However, many testing animals suffer and die. But others do not agree and support the fact that we should use animals because of advance. So what are advantages and disadvantages of using animals? This problem will be researched from different areas such asRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing1074 Words   |  5 Pages Animal Testing is a enormous upset in the word today. Animal activist have been trying to put an end to it for years , but to no avail. Animal testing is when scientist will use animals to do experiments on . They will either hook heavy machinery to these poor defenseless animals or inject them with harsh chemicals just to see if its okay for human use. Over 26 millions of animals are used every year in just the united states alone for these cruel acts by the hand of man. Testing on animals haveRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing1288 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Each animal bred or used for research, whether a mouse, fish, or monkey, is an individual capable of experiencing pain, suffering, and distress† (â€Å"Animal† 2013). The advancements in technology today had sparked a debate worldwide on whether it is right or wrong to use animals for experimentation in laboratories. With newl y advanced scientific technology, experts are able to utilize advanced technology to simulate functions of the human body on a much smaller scale, including microchips of humanRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing2487 Words   |  10 PagesMillions of animals suffer painfully and even die as an outcome of scientific research. The effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products slowly kill innocent animals every year. Although some people believe animal testing is necessary, others firmly believe that the alternatives choices that have been discovered over the years are the way to go. Especially because these choices are cheaper, more reliable and do not harm animals. This essay looks into the pros and cons of animalRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1725 Words   |  7 PagesEach year, more than 100 million animals are experimented on in U.S. laboratories. These experiments are for things such as biology lessons, medical training, curiosity -driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing.(Procon writers) Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. Animal testing is controversial and people findRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing826 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal testing, although extremely debated, is something that should no longer be practiced anywhere around the world. Let’s start by taking a look at just how much animal testing is practiced in the United States as well as in other countries. The article called, â€Å"Animal Use Statistics† from the Humane Society International, says, â€Å"Only a small proportion of countries collect and publish data concerning their use of animals for testing and research, but it is estimated that more than 115 millionRead MorePros And Cons Of Animal Testing905 Words   |  4 PagesAni mal testing has been the target of animal cruelty groups since the beginning of its existence, but the benefits it provides, humans and animals far greater than the type of method that is used to get the results. Scientists Karl Landsteiner’s success in finding a cure to polio is an example of how the benefits of animal testing helped better future human lives. In his experiments he discovered that Polio viruses had three variations, meaning that they would have to produce a product that couldRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1502 Words   |  7 Pagesthat animal testing is beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge, while animal rights’ activists claim that animal testing is not humane and violates animals’ rights. The controversy over animal testing is best understood as a disagreement about whether animal testing is beneficial to humans. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. Every country has a law that permits med ical experimentation on animals. While some countries protect particular kinds of animals from

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Forward the Foundation Chapter 23 Free Essays

5 â€Å"Dad,† said Raych with some concern, â€Å"you look tired.† â€Å"I dare say,† said Hari Seldon, â€Å"I feel tired. But how are you?† Raych was forty-four now and his hair was beginning to show a bit of gray, but his mustache remained thick and dark and very Dahlite in appearance. We will write a custom essay sample on Forward the Foundation Chapter 23 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Seldon wondered if he touched it up with dye, but it would have been the wrong thing to ask. Seldon said, â€Å"Are you through with your lecturing for a while?† â€Å"For a while. Not for long. And I’m glad to be home and see the baby and Manella and Wanda-and you, Dad.† â€Å"Thank you. But I have news for you, Raych. No more lecturing. I’m going to need you here.† Raych frowned. â€Å"What for?† On two different occasions he had been sent to carry out delicate missions, but those were back during the days of the Joranumite menace. As far as he knew, things were quiet now, especially with the overthrow of the junta and the reestablishment of a pale Emperor. â€Å"It’s Wanda,† said Seldon. â€Å"Wanda? What’s wrong with Wanda?† â€Å"Nothing’s wrong with her, but we’re going to have to work out a complete genome for her-and for you and Manella as well-and eventually for the new baby.† â€Å"For Bellis, too? What’s going on?† Seldon hesitated. â€Å"Raych, you know that your mother and I always thought there was something lovable about you, something that inspired affection and trust.† â€Å"I know you thought so. You said so often enough when you were trying to get me to do something difficult. But I’ll be honest with you. I never felt it.† â€Å"No, you won over me and†¦ and Dors.† (He had such trouble saying the name, even though four years had passed since her destruction.) â€Å"You won over Rashelle of Wye. You won over Jo-Jo Joranum. You won over Manella. How do you account for all that?† â€Å"Intelligence and charm,† said Raych, grinning. â€Å"Have you thought you might have been in touch with their-our-minds?† â€Å"No, I’ve never thought that. And now that you mention it, I think it’s ridiculous. With all due respect, Dad, of course.† â€Å"What if I told you that Wanda seems to have read Yugo’s mind during a moment of crisis?† â€Å"Coincidence or imagination, I should say.† â€Å"Raych, I knew someone once who could handle people’s minds as easily as you and I handle conversation.† â€Å"Who was that?† â€Å"I can’t speak of him. Take my word for it, though.† â€Å"Well-† said Raych dubiously. â€Å"I’ve been at the Galactic Library, checking on such matters. There is a curious story, about twenty thousand years old and therefore back to the misty origins of hyperspatial travel. It’s about a young woman, not much more than Wanda’s age, who could communicate with an entire planet that circled a sun called Nemesis.† â€Å"Surely a fairytale.† â€Å"Surely. And incomplete, at that. But the similarity with Wanda is astonishing.† Raych said, â€Å"Dad, what are you planning?† â€Å"I’m not sure, Raych. I need to know the genome and I have to find others like Wanda. I have a notion that youngsters are born-not often but occasionally-with such mental abilities, but that, in general, it merely gets them in trouble and they learn to mask it. And as they grow tip, their ability, their talent, is buried deep within their minds- sort of an unconscious act of self-preservation. Surely in the Empire or even just among Trantor’s forty billion, there must be more of that sort, like Wanda, and if I know the genome I want, I can test those I think may be so.† â€Å"And what would you do with them if you found them, Dad?† â€Å"I have the notion that they are what I need for the further development of psychohistory.† Raych said, â€Å"And Wanda is the first of the type you know about and you intend to make a psychohistorian out of her?† â€Å"Perhaps.† â€Å"Like Yugo. Dad, no!† â€Å"Why no?† â€Å"Because I want her to grow up like a normal girl and become a normal woman. I will not have you sitting her before the Prime Radiant and make her into a living monument to psychohistorical mathematics.† Seldon said, â€Å"It may not come to that, Raych, but we must have her genome. You know that for thousands of years there have been suggestions that every human being have his genome on file. It’s only the expense that’s kept it from becoming standard practice; no one doubts the usefulness of it. Surely you see the advantages. If nothing else, we will know Wanda’s tendencies toward a variety of physiological disorders. If we had ever had Yugo’s genome, I am certain he would not now be dying. Surely we can go that far.† â€Å"Well, maybe, Dad, but no further. I’m willing to bet that Manella is going to be a lot firmer on this than I am.† Seldon said, â€Å"Very well. But remember, no more lecture tours. I need you at home.† â€Å"We’ll see,† Raych said and left. Seldon sat there in a quandary. Eto Demerzel, the one person he knew who could handle minds, would have known what to do. Dors, with her nonhuman knowledge, might have known what to do. For himself, he had a dim vision of a new psychohistory-but nothing more than that. 6 It was not an easy task to obtain a complete genome of Wanda. To begin with, the number of biophysicists equipped to handle the genome was small and those that existed were always busy. Nor was it possible for Seldon to discuss his needs openly, in order to interest the biophysicists. It was absolutely essential, Seldon felt, that the true reason for his interest in Wanda’s mental powers be kept secret from all the Galaxy. And if another difficulty was needed, it was the fact that the process was infernally expensive. Seldon shook his head and said to Mian Endelecki, the biophysicist he was now consulting, â€Å"Why so expensive, Dr. Endelecki? I am not an expert in the field, but it is my distinct understanding that the process is completely computerized and that, once you have a scraping of skin cells, the genome can be completely built and analyzed in a matter of days.† â€Å"That’s true. But having a deoxyribonucleic acid molecule stretching out for billions of nucleotides, with every purine and pyrimidine in its place, is the least of it; the very least of it, Professor Seldon. There is then the matter of studying each one and comparing it to some standard. â€Å"Now, consider, in the first place, that although we have records of complete genomes, they represent a vanishingly small fraction of the number of genomes that exist, so that we don’t really know how standard they are.† Seldon asked, â€Å"Why so few?† â€Å"A number of reasons. The expense, for one thing. Few people are willing to spend the credits on it unless they have strong reason to think there is something wrong with their genome. And if they have no strong reason, they are reluctant to undergo analysis for fear they will find something wrong. Now, then, are you sure you want your granddaughter genomed?† â€Å"Yes, I do. It is terribly important.† â€Å"Why? Does she show signs of a metabolic anomaly?† â€Å"No, she doesn’t. Rather the reverse-if I knew the antonym of ‘anomaly.’ I consider her a most unusual person and I want to know just what it is that makes her unusual.† â€Å"Unusual in what way?† â€Å"Mentally, but it’s impossible for me to go into details, since I don’t entirely understand it. Maybe I will, once she is genomed.† â€Å"How old is she?† â€Å"Twelve. She’ll soon be thirteen.† â€Å"In that case, I’ll need permission from her parents.† Seldon cleared his throat. â€Å"That may be difficult to get. I’m her grandfather. Wouldn’t my permission be enough?† â€Å"For me, certainly. But, you know, we’re talking about the law. I don’t wish to lose my license to practice.† It was necessary for Seldon to approach Raych again. This, too, was difficult, as he protested once more that he and his wife, Manella, wanted Wanda to live a normal life of a normal girl. What if her genome did turn out to be abnormal? Would she be whisked away to be prodded and probed like a laboratory specimen? Would Hari, in his fanatical devotion to his Psychohistory Project, press Wanda into a life of all work and no play, shutting her off from other young people her age? But Seldon was insistent. â€Å"Trust me, Raych. I would never do anything to harm Wanda. But this must be done. I need to know Wanda’s genome. If it is as I suspect it is, we may be on the verge of altering the course of psychohistory, of the future of the Galaxy itself!† And so Raych was persuaded and somehow he obtained Manella’s consent, as well. And together, the three adults took Wanda to Dr. Endelecki’s office. Mian Endelecki greeted them at the door. Her hair was a shining white, but her face showed no sign of age. She looked at the girl, who walked in with a look of curiosity on her face but with no signs of apprehension or fear. She then turned her gaze to the three adults who had accompanied Wanda. Dr. Endelecki said with a smile, â€Å"Mother, father, and grandfather-am I right?† Seldon answered, â€Å"Absolutely right.† Raych looked hang-dog and Manella, her face a little swollen and her eyes a little red, looked tired. â€Å"Wanda,† began the doctor. â€Å"That is your name, isn’t it?† â€Å"Yes, ma’am,† said Wanda in her clear voice. â€Å"I’m going to tell you exactly what I’m going to do with you. You’re right-handed, I suppose.† â€Å"Yes, ma’am.† â€Å"Very well, then, I’ll spray a little patch on your left forearm with an anesthetic. It will just feel like a cool wind. Nothing else. I’ll then scrape a little skin from you just a tiny bit. There’ll be no pain, no blood, no mark afterward. When I’m done, I’ll spray a little disinfectant on it. The whole thing will take just a few minutes. Does that sound all right to you?† â€Å"Sure,† said Wanda, as she held out her arm. When it was over, Dr. Endelecki said, â€Å"I’ll put the scraping under the microscope, choose a decent cell, and put my computerized gene analyzer to work. It will mark off every last nucleotide, but there are billions of them. It will probably take the better part of a day. It’s all automatic, of course, so I won’t be sitting here watching it and there’s no point in your doing so, either. â€Å"Once the genome is prepared, it will take an even longer time to analyze it. If you want a complete job, it may take a couple of weeks. That is why it’s so expensive a procedure. The work is hard and long. I’ll call you in when I have it.† She turned away, as if she had dismissed the family, and busied herself with the gleaming apparatus on the table in front of her. Seldon said, â€Å"If you come across anything unusual, will you get in touch with me instantly? I mean, don’t wait for a complete analysis if you find something in the first hour. Don’t make me wait.† â€Å"The chances of finding anything in the first hour are very slim, but I promise you, Professor Seldon that I will be in touch with you at once if it seems necessary.† Manella snatched Wanda’s arm and led her off triumphantly. Raych followed, feet dragging. Seldon lingered and said, â€Å"This is more important than you know, Dr. Endelecki.† Dr. Endelecki nodded as she said, â€Å"Whatever the reason, Professor, I’ll do my best.† Seldon left, his lips pressed tightly together. Why he had thought that somehow the genome would be worked out in five minutes and that a glance at it in another five minutes would give him an answer, he did not know. Now he would have to wait for weeks, without knowing what would be found. He ground his teeth. Would his newest brainchild, the Second Foundation, ever be established or was it an illusion that would remain always just out of reach? 7 Hari Seldon walked into Dr. Endelecki’s office, a nervous smile on his face. He said, â€Å"You said a couple of weeks, Doctor. It’s been over a month mow.† Dr. Endelecki nodded. â€Å"I’m sorry, Professor Seldon but you wanted everything exact and that is what I have tried to do.† â€Å"Well?† The look of anxiety on Seldon’s face did not disappear. What did you find?† â€Å"A hundred or so defective genes.† â€Å"What! Defective genes. Are you serious, Doctor?† â€Å"Quite serious. Why not? There are no genomes without at least a hundred defective genes; usually there are considerably more. It’s not as bad as it sounds, you know.† â€Å"No, I don’t know. You’re the expert, Doctor, not I.† Dr. Endelecki sighed and stirred in her chair. â€Å"You don’t know anything about genetics, do you, Professor?† â€Å"No, I don’t. A man can’t know everything.† â€Å"You’re perfectly right. I know nothing about this-what do you call it?-this psychohistory of yours.† Dr. Endelecki shrugged, then continued. â€Å"If you wanted to explain anything about it, you would be forced to start from the beginning and I would probably not understand it even so. â€Å"Now, as to genetics-â€Å" â€Å"Well?† â€Å"An imperfect gene usually means nothing. There are imperfect genes-so imperfect and so crucial that they produce terrible disorders. These are very rare, though. Most imperfect genes simply don’t work with absolute accuracy. They’re like wheels that are slightly out of balance. A vehicle will move along, trembling a bit, but it will move along.† â€Å"Is that what Wanda has?† â€Å"Yes. More or less. After all, if all genes were perfect, we would all look precisely the same, we would all behave precisely the same. It’s the difference in genes that makes for different people.† â€Å"But won’t it get worse as we grow older?† â€Å"Yes. We all get worse as we grow older. I noticed you limping when you came in. Why is that?† â€Å"A touch of sciatica,† muttered Seldon. â€Å"Did you have it all your life?† â€Å"Of course not.† â€Å"Well, some of your genes have gotten worse with time and now you limp.† â€Å"And what will happen to Wanda with time?† â€Å"I don’t know. I can’t predict the future, Professor; I believe that is your province. However, if I were to hazard a guess, I would say that nothing unusual will happen to Wanda-at least, genetically-except the gathering of old age.† Seldon said, â€Å"Are you sure?† â€Å"You have to take my word for it. You wanted to find out about Wanda’s genome and you ran the risk of discovering things perhaps it is better not to know. But I tell you that, in my opinion, I can see nothing terrible happening to her.† â€Å"The imperfect genes-should we fix them? Can we fix them?† â€Å"No. In the first place, it would be very expensive. Secondly, the chances are that they would not stay fixed. And finally, people are against it. â€Å"But why?† â€Å"Because they’re against science in general. You should know this as well as anyone, Professor. I’m afraid the situation is such, especially since Cleon’s death, that mysticism has been gaining ground. People don’t believe in fixing genes scientifically. They would rather cure things by the laying on of hands or by mumbo-jumbo of some sort or other. Frankly it is extremely difficult for me to continue with my job. Very little funding is coming in.† Seldon nodded. â€Å"Actually I understand this situation all too well. Psychohistory explains it, but I honestly didn’t think the situation was growing so bad so rapidly. I’ve been too involved in my own work to see the difficulties all around me.† He sighed. â€Å"I’ve been watching the Galactic Empire slowly fall apart for over thirty years now-and now that it’s beginning to collapse much more rapidly, I don’t see how we can stop it in time.† â€Å"Are you trying to?† Dr. Endelecki seemed amused. â€Å"Yes, I am.† â€Å"Lots of luck. About your sciatica. You know, fifty years ago it could have been cured. Not now, though.† â€Å"Why not?† â€Å"Well, the devices used for it are gone; the people who could have handled them are working on other things. Medicine is declining.† â€Å"Along with everything else,† mused Seldon. â€Å"But let’s get back to Wanda. I feel she is a most unusual young woman with a brain that is different from most. What do her genes tell you about her brain?† Dr. Endelecki leaned back in her chair. â€Å"Professor Seldon do you know just how many genes are involved in brain function?† â€Å"No. â€Å"I’ll remind you that, of all the aspects of the human body, the brain function is the most intricate. In fact, as far as we know, there is nothing in the Universe as intricate as the human brain. So you won’t be surprised when I tell you that there are thousands of genes that each play a role in brain function.† â€Å"Thousands?† â€Å"Exactly. And it is impossible to go through those genes and see anything specifically unusual. I will take your word for it, as far as Wanda is concerned. She is an unusual girl with an unusual brain, but I see nothing in her genes that can tell me anything about that brain-except, of course, that it is normal.† â€Å"Could you find other people whose genes for mental functioning are like Wanda’s, that have the same brain pattern?† â€Å"I doubt it very much. Even if another brain were much like hers, there would still be enormous differences in the genes. No use looking for similarities. Tell me, Professor, just what is it about Wanda that makes you think her brain is so unusual?† Seldon shook his head. â€Å"I’m sorry. It’s not something I can discuss.† â€Å"In that case, I am certain that I can find out nothing for you. How did you discover that there was something unusual about her brain-this thing you can’t discuss?† â€Å"Accident,† muttered Seldon. â€Å"Sheer accident.† â€Å"In that case, you’re going to have to find other brains like hers-also by accident. Nothing else can be done.† Silence settled over both of them. Finally Seldon said, â€Å"Is there anything else you can tell me?† â€Å"I’m afraid not. Except that I’ll send you my bill.† Seldon rose with an effort. His sciatica hurt him badly. â€Å"Well then, thank you, Doctor. Send the bill and I’ll pay it.† Hari Seldon left the doctor’s office, wondering just what he would do next. How to cite Forward the Foundation Chapter 23, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ganster Rap And Violence Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Ganster Rap And Violence Essay, Research Paper Ganster blame and force go manus in manus by John Beddows Gangsta Rap and Violence Go Hand in Hand # 8220 ; Mr. Officer, I want to see you layin # 8217 ; in a casket, sir, # 8221 ; from The Chronic and # 8220 ; F # 8212 ; the constabulary, # 8221 ; from N.W.A. , are few wordss from the music genre # 8220 ; gangsta rap. # 8221 ; This sort of music is being sold to immature kids without any idea of concern. When many kids listen to this sort of music they think that was being said in the vocals is non incorrect or against the jurisprudence. The wordss in many vocals contain violent and expressed wordss that normally talk about killing person along with sounds of gunfires in the background. It is besides music that refers to adult females as # 8220 ; bitches, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; whores # 8221 ; and sex-dispensing # 8220 ; hos # 8221 ; ( Saunders B29 ) . # 8220 ; Gangsta blame # 8221 ; has been criticized and debated over for its in writing sexual content, violent imagination and misogynism. We will write a custom essay sample on Ganster Rap And Violence Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When rappers were asked why they refer to adult females as bitches and hos their answers were similar. # 8220 ; Snoop # 8221 ; says, # 8220 ; that it is merely for the adult females who are like that and if you # 8217 ; re a existent adult females, you # 8217 ; re classy and elegant. Those wordss wouldn t needfully affect you. You d merely groove to the music # 8221 ; ( Farley 78 ) . Richard Shaw, Bushwick Bill, says: # 8220 ; I call adult females bitches and Ho because all the adult females I # 8217 ; ve met since I # 8217 ; ve been out here are bitches and hos. # 8221 ; When asked, at the [ National Association of Black Journalists ] convention, what he calls his female parent he says, # 8220 ; I call her a # 8216 ; adult female # 8217 ; , but I # 8217 ; m non f # 8212 ; ing my female parent. If I was f # 8212 ; ing you, you # 8217 ; vitamin D be a bitch. # 8221 ; He so apologized for what he said to the newsman. ( Raspberry A21 ) # 8220 ; If you don # 8217 ; t give a degree Fahrenheit # 8212 ; about a bitch/ Then you # 8217 ; re turn overing with the row # 8221 ; , are wordss from Doggystyle. If all people were to believe like this what regard would adult females hold. Some say, # 8220 ; if we don # 8217 ; Ts have regard for our adult females, why should anyone else? # 8221 ; ( Raspberry A21 ) . Make these rappers think that they own adult females and can handle them any manner they want to. If this is the manner some people think, that the ain adult females and can dis esteem them so what footfalls are the kids traveling to follow in. Young kids and grownups, 14, 15 and 16 old ages of age, who listen and memorise these rap vocals think that it is acceptable behaviour. # 8220 ; Gangsta blame # 8221 ; is barely the lone beginning of force, but it is a powerful one. Not merely is the music violent but the rappers lifestyle is besides. Many rappers have rap sheets and immature people see that and state, # 8220 ; hey, their rich and money talks. # 8221 ; Today most immature people think that if a individual is rich and celebrated they can acquire away with anything. Not all rappers have quarrels with the jurisprudence, but the 1s that do are really good known. Tupac Shakur, who late was murdered this twelvemonth, has had many quarrels with the jurisprudence. Shakur was arrested for aggravated assault, charged with hiting two off responsibility constabulary officers in Atlanta in 1993, but the charges were subsequently dropped. He was accused of crushing a limousine driver in Los Angeles and found guilty of endangering a fellow rapper with a baseball chiropteran in Michigan. He was besides found guilty of sexual maltreatment in 1994 and was functioning clip up to 4 + old ages in prison ( Sims E3 ) . In some blames he glamorized the life of a mobster and merriment gunfight. He lived the life tattooed on his tummy, # 8220 ; Thug Life, # 8221 ; and died making it. Gangsta Rap # 8221 ; has attracted a high-prof ile of enemies and no 1 may of all time cognize who truly killed Tupak. The constabulary are still non certain of who shot and killed Tupak, but they think that it may hold been linked to Death Row Record # 8217 ; s ties with rival packs. There are no informants who can place the driver or taw in the Cadillac that pulled up following to Tupak and driver, Marion Knight. Calvin Broadus, better known as Snoop Doggy Dogg, was arrested in 1993 on murder-conspiracy charges. He pleaded non guilty and was acquitted. He besides has a constabulary file that Hawkins 3 identifies him as a member of Long Beach Insane Crips, a ill-famed street pack ( Cheevers A1 ) . He was besides a drug trader and user. His music besides glorifies force and demeans adult females. Andre Young, a.k.a. Dr. Dre, served five months in a halfway house in 1993 for go againsting his probation for interrupting another blame manufacturers jaw in 1992. He was besides convicted of hitting a New Orleans police officer in a hotel bash and of banging a Television talk-show host into a wall at a Hollywood nine in 1991 ( Sims E3 ) . His music demeans adult females and generates bad vibraphones against constabulary functionaries. The Chronic, an album by Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg, has many expressed wordss and unneeded foulmouthing. In one vocal they say, # 8220 ; that if f # 8212 ; with Dre you f # 8212 ; with decease row # 8230 ; # 8221 ; , more or less stating that if anyone messes with them they will hold to worry about everyone that is with Death Row Records. In the same vocal they tell a adult female, mentioning to her as a bitch, to yell-187 ( police codification for person that has been killed ) . In another vocal they ask anther black adult male why he has been speaking dirt about them, he says it was non he. Then they put a gun in his oral cavity inquiring him, # 8220 ; what # 8217 ; s incorrect can # 8217 ; t speak with a gun in your oral cavity? # 8230 ; Do you cognize Lucifer? # 8 221 ; , he replies, # 8221 ; no # 8221 ; , and they tell him, # 8220 ; good you # 8217 ; re about to run into him # 8221 ; ( Rap ) . All of the vocals on this album contain foulmouth linguistic communication, violent and sexually expressed wordss, drugs and misogynism. Is this the sort of music that immature kids should be able to listen to? William Drayton, Flavor Flav of the group Public Enemy, was arrested for attempted slaying. The constabulary were lead to his place after a beginning told them that shootings were fired at a neighbour during an statement. The constabulary found a laden 38-caliber semiautomatic pistol with one unit of ammunition losing. His music besides glorifies force. Hawkins 4 Eric Wright, known as Easy-E, has besides generated bad vibraphones against constabulary functionaries. This album He died at 31 old ages of age after uncovering that he had the virus AIDS. From his deathbed he urged immature people to larn about the disease. His music besides talk ed about holding the life style of being promiscuous and that life style killed him. All of these rappers criminal records depict their life styles. They say that their music depicts the rough world of life in the goon. To these rappers, people deceasing immature and traveling to imprison is an mundane thing ( Marriott 75 ) . Tupak says that force is all we know and stating it like it is is a manner of acquiring the people to listen to what is truly traveling on. Ice-T # 8217 ; s controversial album Body Count, produced by Warner Bros. Records, had provoked a crisp argument in 1992 when the album foremost came out. The vocal # 8220 ; Cop Killer, # 8221 ; with obscene and violent wordss, forced Time Warner to halt selling the album with the vocal on it. The wordss on the vocal said it was dedicated to the L.A.P.D. It besides talked about # 8220 ; dusting some bulls off, # 8221 ; with sounds of gun fire he so asks the hearer to sing along for their freedom- # 8221 ; cop killer # 8221 ; ( Ice Body ) . # 8220 ; Cop Killer # 8221 ; is non the on vocal on the album that glorifies force. Even though the vocal was cut from the album the other vocals on it were merely as bad. Another vocal negotiations about killing his female parent by puting her on fire, hitting her with a # 8220 ; louieville slugger # 8221 ; and so cutting her up with a carving knife, all because she was racialist. Is this world and was is truly traveling on in the universe today? In other vocals the wordss talk about being promiscuous ( giving really expressed sex wordss ) and yet the album was still being sold to immature kids. Foulmouthed rubbish like this has been debated on whether or non it should be censored. Many think it should and are seeking to make something about. Delores Tucker denounced Hawkins 5 companies that # 8220 ; pimped porno blame # 8221 ; to kids. She asks, # 8220 ; What would Martin Luther King say about these rappers that demean adult females and laud hoods, d rug traders and rapers? # 8221 ; , and # 8220 ; What sort of function theoretical accounts are those for immature kids populating in the ghetto? # 8221 ; ( Philips A18 ) . U.S. Representative Cardiss Collins, a presidents of the congressional panel, complained that little was being done by the industry executive to cut out vulgar and violent wordss. She said that # 8220 ; a spine is non adequate # 8221 ; ( Congesswomen 7 ) . Some censoring has been incorporated in the wireless industry. Inner City Broadcasting has put a halt to playing hard-core blame and other misogynistic and violent blame. It hopes to be a theoretical account for other wireless Stationss to follow ( Cleaning 22 ) . Most radio Stationss now do non let that sort of music on the air. Even though the wireless has stopped playing hard-core blame, record companies are still bring forthing this sort of music. Death Row Records, the top manufacturer of blame music, has been under a batch of fire non merely by Dolore s Tucker, but by Bob Dole and others besides. Death Row Records has late had its ain wake-up call. The companies CEO, Marion # 8220 ; Suge # 8221 ; Knight, has late been arrested for violated his probation and is in gaol. He was charged with assault with a deathly arm in 1992 and was sentenced to five old ages probation plus 30 yearss in a halfway house. A hearing subsequently will make up ones mind on what sort of sentence he will have. Knight could confront up to five to nine old ages in prison if convicted. The company may endure a great loss because no concern actions or even phone calls are allowed from prison. Before he began his luck as CEO he was an All-American defensive terminal and was on the dean # 8217 ; s list at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He the played pro-football for the Los Angeles Rams but subsequently quit to go a concert booster. Soon Hawkins 6 after this his quarrels with the jurisprudence started with his apprehension for trafficking guns. After o ther quarrels with the jurisprudence Knight began entering # 8220 ; The Chronic, # 8221 ; which refers or a type of marihuana, with Dr. Dre. He so was approached by Interscope Records, who wanted him to bring forth records. He negotiated a $ 10 million trade to get down up Death Row Records ( Cheevers A1 ) . Now Death Row Records is known as the lone label that can make whatever they want. To some hearers Death Row # 8217 ; s music is powerful and is besides world, but to others their music celebrates drugs, liquidators and misogynism. The FBI says that this blame label has ties to packs and drugs. They are still seeking to find wether the company was involved in cocaine-trafficking, money laundering and racketeering ( Leeds B1 ) . The FBI has been look intoing Death Row Records and the single members. Death Row Records is non the lone record company to advance blame, Time Warner has besides been bring forthing blame records. Time Warner has pledged to make something about obscen e and rude wordss in blame music. The new president of Warner Music Group, Michael J. Fuchs, was asked to speak with critics of blame wordss and to work with other record companies to come up with some ordinances for warning labels ( Landler D2 ) . Warning labels have been placed on albums with provocative wordss, but these warnings do little to forestall the wordss from making kids. The president and main executive claims that # 8220 ; music is non the cause of society # 8217 ; s ills. # 8221 ; That may be true but do they hold an influence on the people that listen to the music. Many say yes and many say no. An experiment done by James D. Johnson shows that violent blame tends to perpetuate the credence of the usage of force and an anti-education mentality. He thinks that this sort of music should hold some ordinance. He refers to knap music being like nicotine- it is habit-forming ; it is mood Hawkynss 7 neutering and it is available with some strains ( Raspberry, # 8220 ; Do es # 8221 ; A27 ) . A individual has to be 18 old ages old to purchase coffin nails, rent X-rated films, or acquire into a strip bar/nightclub and has to be 21 old ages old to imbibe or purchase intoxicant. There are age bounds on these things that can jeopardize immature people and there should besides be a age bound on purchasing Al bums with explicit lyrics on them. Even though there is a warning label on the albums young children can still buy them because there is no law to prohibit sale. There are a lot of people who agree something should be done about the explicit lyrics on albums. Stanley Crouch, a music critic and writer, says that rappers are â€Å"a bunch of opportunists who are appealing to an appetite that America has for vulgarity, violence and anarchy inside Afro America† (Sims 3). Kevin Powell, a writer for Vibe magazine, believes that rap music is a legitimate art form, but thinks that the genre has gone too far and the music industry is to blame for not exercising some degree of control (Sims 3). He also thinks that it has made black children think that being hard is the definition for being black in the 1990’s. There are many people who feel this way, but many rappers and defenders of rap disagree. Most rappers do not think that their music causes violence and that they have no influence on their listeners. Before Easy-E died his lawyer read a letter from the rapper that said, â€Å"anyone could get AIDS, that it does not discriminate† (Marriot 74). After the letter was read the Minority AIDS Project in South-Central Los Angeles reported a 80 percent increase in requests for AIDS testing. This was more of an increase than when Magic Johnson made his announcement (Marriot 74). His influence was seen in warning people about the AIDS virus just as Magic did when he found out he had HIV. â€Å"Snoop† says that he hopes that listeners will see that any black man out Hawkins 8 of the ghetto can do something positive with his life if he is dedicated (Farley 78). He also says that if parents were as strict as his that there would not be as much violence nowadays, yet he was in a gang, a drug dealer and user and he arrested for murder-conspiracy charges. Rapper Juice, half of the duo of Juice with Soul, says that listeners should realize that these ra ppers do not hang around the hard street life, they go home to their fancy cars and houses. Another rapper, Masta Ace, agreed with Juice, say that listeners should realize that rappers are creating characters to sell records. Biz Markie says that critics take it to seriously and it is strictly entertainment (Marriott, â€Å"Hard-core† A1+). Joseph Simmons, known as Run of Run D.M.C., says that he has seen a rise in disrespect to women lately. But he thinks that it has more to do with the parents rather than the rappers. M.C. Lyte, a pioneer among female rappers agrees that parents need to take more responsibility for how their children act and behave. She also thinks that rap should not be the blame for what young people are doing today because movies also show violence, rapes, and people being killed (Marroitt, â€Å"Hard-core† A1+). Russell Simmons, CEO of Def Jam Recordings, says that no truly in-touch person believes that the state of society is the result of rap m usic. He goes on to say that each type of music that comes later seems more violent than before. There was a time when everyone thought that rock and roll was the â€Å"devils’ music†. He says that many of these songs are like horror films and cannot be taken literally (Proffitt M2). He also points out the good views of rap–that it is so diverse and there is a lot of positive messages in the songs. Simmons thinks that rap is just expressing the outrage of there community. His most important point would be that when kids in Beverly Hills Hawkins 9 listen to rap they will know a little bit better how the kids in the ghettos think (Profitt M3). Other rap experts point out the genre turning points. In the 1990’s the messages about black empowerment that started national slogans and the wearing of African pride medallions were replaced by messages of drug selling and survival in inner-city neighborhoods. The marketing strategy of the record companies began to promote label with images of black swaggering men carrying guns and drinking beer. This resulted the new â€Å"gangsta† look. This made young rappers that were hungry for fame and fortune take on the look of being thugs themselves. The move of raps’ homeland, New York, to the West Coast caused a dramatic change to the sound. People tend to miss the true skill rather that all the violence and how many people that get killed. Rap’s image is being tainted by all the scandals of the top rappers shakled in the courtrooms. The inspiration and energy from rap reflects what goes on in the streets and in black life in America (Williams B1+). Maxine Waters also agrees that â€Å"gansta rap† is a new art form to describe the pains, fear and frustations that young people express to adults. She also thinks that just because some people do not like the way the rappers use lyrics should not be a cause for censorship (Jet 7). A professor of black studies thinks that many rappers have distorted what black life really is and that white record companies are eager to sell black stereotypes. Rappers have distorted and divided black life and tried to incorporate it into street life. Now people are doing what they hear and they want to shoot people and be rich (Marroitt, â€Å"Hard-core† A1+). If this is true should not there be a warning label prohibiting sale to minors. Rap music that pimps pornography and violence to young children and that has messages of violence should have some kind of censorship. Defenders of rap say that censorship is taking Hawkins 10 away their right to free speech stated in The First Amendment. The First Amendment states: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances†(McNally 29). Cens oring music would be taking the right of free speech away. Most of the lyrics are protected by The First Amendment and cannot be censored on the albums or records. Censorship has been made in the radio industry so that the songs with explicit lyrics cannot be heard. Even though these rappers say that they are reflecting what really happen on the streets rappers before them do not have these explicit lyrics in their messages. Rappers such as Afrika Bambataa, Kurtis Blow, MC Shan and the Fat Boys used music for fun and release to show good-hearted territorial rivals. Now it is about guns, treating women like trash and drinking malt liquor. Rap has changed for the worse taking the art form and transforming it into trash with some positive messages that are hard to grasp from the music. If the whole album is about death, violence, misogyny and drugs except for one or two songs, what kind of message is going to be placed first. If what can be heard on a porno film can be heard on a rap a lbum, then the album should have a age limit for sale. Since there is no age limit on T.V., today many inventions are being made to prevent children from viewing violence and nudity. Is this not some form of censorship for children. If there is enough concern to censor programs on T.V. that contain violence and harsh language should there not be concern for children that listen to hard-core gangsta rap. Parents should take more responsibility for what there children listen to and view. Hawkins 11 Parents can take charge of what there children view on T.V. and listen to on the radio while they are in the house, but what kind of authority can they take when their children are not home. Parent cannot control the kind of music their children buy on their own. That is when it is left up to the law. Not taking away the rappers’ right to free speech, but rather prohibiting sale to minors just as cigarettes. There is only so much that parents can do to keep their children out of harm . Violence is a reality , but should it be preached about like it is okay and make it sound like fun and games. The answer is no and something should be done about it. Works Cited Cheevers, Jack, Phillips, Chuck and Willian ,Frank B. â€Å"Violence Top the Charts.† L.A. Times 3 April 1995: A1+. â€Å"Cleaning Up Violence on Radio.† The New York Times 11 December 1993: 22. â€Å"Congresswomen Square Off ON Issue Of ‘Gangsta Rap’.† Jet 7 March 1994: 6-7. Farley, Christopher â€Å"The Dogg Is Unleashed.† Time 13 December 1993: vol.124, 78. Landler, Mark â€Å"Time Warner Pledges Action On Rap Lyrics.† The New York Times 19 May 1995: D2. Leeds, Jeff and Newton, Jim â€Å"FBI Probing Rap Label for Ties to Gangs, Drugs.† L.A. Times 28 September 1995: B1+. Marriot, Michel â€Å"A Gangster Wake-up Call.† News week 10 April 1995: vol.125, 74-6. Marriott, Michel â€Å"Hard-core Rap Lyrics Stir Black Backlash.† The New York T imes 15 August 1993: A1+. McNally, Rand â€Å"The Amendments to the Constitution.† The American Patriot’s Handbook Chicago/New York/San Francisco 1993: 29. Phillips, Chuck â€Å"Anti-Rap Crusader Under Fire.† L.A. Times 20 March 1996: A1+. Profitt, Steve â€Å"Defending the Art of Communication Known as Rap.† L.A. Times 27 August 1995: M3. â€Å"The Rap Lyrics Page.† Online. zoftw/lyrics.ntm. Raspberry, William â€Å"Does Rap Music Need a Warning Label?† The Washington Post 24 June 1994: A27. Raspberry, William â€Å"Foulmouthed Trash.† The Washington Post 30 July 1993: A21. Saunders, Michael â€Å"Gangsta Warfare.† Boston Globe 10 March 1996: B29. Works Cited Sims, Calvin â€Å"Gangster Pappers: The Lives, The Lyrics.† The New York Times 28 September 1993: E3. T, Ice. â€Å"Cop Killer.† Body Count. New York: Warner Bros. 1992. Williams, Frank B. â€Å"How Rap Music Got Its Bad Rap.â⠂¬  L.A. Times 13 January 1995: B1+. Work Consulted Barron, James â€Å"After Day as Defendant, Rapper Becomes Victim.† The New York Times 1 December 1994: A1+. Britt, Donna â€Å"Making a Killing Off Gangsta Music.† The Washington Post 5 November 1993: B1+. Chappell, Kevin â€Å"What’s Wrong (and Right) About Black Music.† Ebony September 1995: vol. 50, 25-6+. Dunhan, Richard S., Oneal, Michael â€Å"Gunning for the Gangstas.† Bussiness Week 19 June 1995: 41. Hamilton, Kendall â€Å"Double Trouble for 2pac.† Newsweek 12 December 1994: vol. 124, 62-3. Hewitt, Bill â€Å"Rapper Sheets.† People Weekly 6 December 1993: vol. 40, 89-90. Jenkins, Holman W. Jr. â€Å"It’s Got a Catchy Beat, but Not Enough Violence.† Wall Street Journal 17 September 1996: A19. Jones, Charisse â€Å"For a Rapper, Life and Art Convergen in Violence.† The New York Times 1 December 1994: B3+. Klinghoffer, David â€Å"See No Evil.† Nat ional Review 24 January 1994: vol. 46, 73-4. Leland, John â€Å"Criminal Records.† Newsweek 29 November 1993: vol. 122, 60-4. Leland, John â€Å"The Word on the Street Is Heard in the Beat.† Newsweek 11 May 1994: 52-3. Marsh, Dave â€Å"Cops ‘n’ Gangtas.† The Nation 26 June 1995: vol. 260, 908-9. Marriot, Michel â€Å"Shots Silence, Angry Voice Sharpened by the Streets.† The New York Times 16 September 1996: A1+. McAdams, Janice â€Å"It’s Not Gangsta Rap, but It Is Raunchy.† The New York Times 14 August 1995: D6. â€Å"Obituary.† People Weekly 10 April 1995: vol. 43, 93. Rose, Tricia â€Å"Rap Music and the Demonization of Young Black Males.† USA Today May 1994: vol. 122, 35-6. Works Consulted Rule, Sheila â€Å"Generation Rap.† The New York Times Magazine 3 April 1994: 40-5. Staples, Brent â€Å"How Long Can Rap Survive.† The New York Times 22 September 1996: E12. Tate, Greg â€Å"Above and Beyond Rap’s Decibels.† The New York Times 6 March 1994: 1+. Trachtenberg, Jeffrey A. â€Å"Time Warner Sells Its 50[percent] Interest in Record Label Under Fire For Rap.† Wall Street Journal 17 September 1996: A19. â€Å"The United States Of Violence.† USA Today May 1994: vol. 122, 22-42+. â€Å"Women and â€Å"Gangsta† Rap.† Glamour June 1994: vol. 92, 93. Zoglin, Richard â€Å"A Company Under Fire.† Time 12 June 1995: vol. 145, 37-9.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Philosophy Goal In My Life Essays - Continental Philosophers

Philosophy: Goal In My Life PHILOSOPHY: I have a goal in my life... to read and understand the works of the greatest philosophers of all cultures. For now, I am trying to get more familiar to them, to their ideologies. Nietzsche is the one I strongest admire at the moment, for the strength he proves to have in everything he writes In the future, I want to study POLITICS and have a glowing carrer in this domain. It might be a child's dream, but it is certainly one of my oldest wishes and it will be the same until I reach my goal. Of course, let's not forget MUSIC. There are a lot of bands or singers who I simply adore. As they are so many I will not say anything more that they are all in the rock - metal tendency, from grunge or heavy metal (less, but still there...) to black, gothic or death. The only music I can listen no matter my mood is the classical one. Chopin, Wagner, Vivaldi, Bach... Philosophy Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Conjugate the French Verb Accéder (to Reach)

How to Conjugate the French Verb Accà ©der (to Reach) When you want to say to reach or to accede in French, you will use the verb  accà ©der. As with all verbs, it needs to be conjugated to fit the meaning of the sentence. Its a rather simple conjugation, but there are a few things you need to watch out for. Conjugations for the French Verb  Accà ©der Just as we do in English with the endings -ed and -ing, its necessary to conjugate French verbs. By changing the words ending, the verb will match the subject pronoun as well as the tense of the sentence. By using these charts, you can quickly learn the conjugations for the various forms of  accà ©der. For instance, to say I reach or I attain in French, you will say jaccà ©de. You will notice that  accà ©der  has two options for the future tense and conditional forms. This is because stem-changing verbs  that end in  Ãƒ ©_er  have an optional change. You can use either of the E accents - grave à ¨ or acute à © - in these conjugations. Subject Present Future Imperfect j accde accderaiaccderai accdais tu accdes accderasaccderas accdais il accde accderaaccdera accdait nous accdons accderonsaccderons accdions vous accdez accderezaccderez accdiez ils accdent accderontaccderont accdaient The Present Participle of  Accà ©der The  present participle  for accà ©der is accà ©dant. The -ant  ending is used in a similar manner to the English -ing. This form can be used as a verb, but also works as an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Passà © Composà © of  Accà ©der Besides the imperfect past tense, you can also use the  passà © composà ©Ã‚  form of  accà ©der. This is actually quite common in French and youll find it easier than remembering all of the imperfect conjugations. To use the passà © composà ©, you will need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb, which in this case is  avoir. You will also need  accà ©ders  past participle  of  accà ©dà ©. These elements come together to cover any number of subjects. For instance, for I reached, you will simply say jai accà ©dà ©. When you want to say we attained, it is nous avons accà ©dà ©. The  ai  and  avons  are the conjugations for  avoir. More Conjugations for  Accà ©der You may not use all of the following conjugations in your French, but as you learn more they may become useful. The subjunctive form refers to a mood and implies that the verb is subjective or uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood applies when the action may or may not happen. It is dependent on conditions. Both the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive are mostly found in formal French writing. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j accde accderaisaccderais accdai accdasse tu accdes accderaisaccderais accdas accdasses il accde accderaitaccderait accda accdt nous accdons accderionsaccderions accdmes accdassions vous accdez accderiezaccderiez accdtes accdassiez ils accdent accderaientaccderaient accdrent accdassent Another useful conjugation for  accà ©der  is the imperative, which is used for direct commands and requests. For this form, you can skip the subject pronoun as that is implied with the verb form. For instance, instead of saying  vous accà ©dez, you can simply say accà ©dez. Imperative (tu) accde (nous) accdons (vous) accdez

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Women In the US Army Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Women In the US Army - Research Paper Example The information provided in the paper is all factual and based on the events which are related to the role of women in the army and its political effects. The paper starts initially during the early twentieth century and leads to the twenty-first century. It mentions how the policies have evolved with time and the present state. Earlier since the idea of women in uniform was bizarre to the US society as the military leaders, Rogers’ proposition to include women as regular army was not seriously considered. Rather the women’s presence in the army was being perceived as a threat to the existing military. So the superstition that women are best suited for indoor activities such as cooking, washing, childrearing, etc. and that due to their physical weakness and psychological frailty, women would cause nuisances to the soldiers rather than contributing anything worthy during any wartime. This limited approach lead to the arousal of various issues. Considering the status of women as weak, frail and fragile who were always exploding with emotions were not considered to be feasible to be recruited for such harsh jobs. It can also be said that men even considered it to be a threat to their present status and how their dominance might get affected therefore due to which they could not accept this under any circumstances. It needs to be kept in mind that during this era the US society was not as liberal as it claims to be now therefore gender equality did not persist back then because of which problems aroused. Therefore initially they were not deployed for direct combats or trainings but were kept for womanly chores such as nursing, cooking, laundry etc. for the troops. The troops started to depend on these women for their daily necessities. Although these women were merely housekeepers for the troops but they were subjected to the armies code of conduct and had to perform their

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Assault on Reason by Al Gore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Assault on Reason by Al Gore - Essay Example Extrapolating this to â€Å"The Assault on Reason† by Al Gore, the basic premise is essentially the same. The practice of politics that is an affront to reason and instead preys upon my insecurities and fears often leads to sections of society, by their nature of being less privileged, vulnerable to further exploitation. In a society where there is a premium on high skilled jobs filled by people with college degrees and access to sophisticated programs of skill development, the marginalization of certain ethnic communities happens in a â€Å"double whammy† fashion. First, these communities are not able to put themselves through college or pay for acquiring specialized skills. In a further affront, they are pushed down the chain as a result of non availability of jobs that can employ them. Thus, they not only are left out of the race but go down the â€Å"food chain† as well. This is just one instance of how the current political and economic structure favors a pr ivileged few at the expense of the majority. If Al Gore were to re-write his book, he can draw lots of inspiration from Prof. Young’s framework and this paper looks at how the ideas of Gore as well as Young have a certain convergence as far as the theme of oppression is concerned. Essentially, both Al Gore and Prof. Young have the same theme of state power and power of the elite employing the methods of control and influence. While Prof. Young has provided a framework of oppression listing the five faces, Al Gore details the practices of state and elite control over the masses. The difference here is one of theory (Young) and practice (Gore) that may be explained by the fact that while Prof. Young’s was an academic study, Al Gore’s book was made for a wider target audience and written in a style that is easily understood by the lay reader. Each chapter of Al Gore’s book is a detailed description of the ways in which the mainstream media, the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business - Research Paper Example the major scholarly concern, and employees must realize that the success of their work heavily depends on how well they recognize, understand, analyze, and apply their knowledge of orality and literacy in practice. It is essential to determine how the first language acquisition and orality set the stage for the successful transition children from preschool to school environments; to understand and evaluate the changes that occur to literacy and orality in children in school environments; the impact of literate communities on the development of orality and literacy in individuals, including children; to evaluate the impact of family and social surrounding on how children treat language (Minami, 2002). That the first language acquisition and the development of orality in children sets the stage for the subsequent development of written language is difficult to deny, and the students in this module should be able to assess and discuss the changes that occur to orality and literacy in children’s transition from home to preschool. Here, the role of family is determining and even crucial, for it is in families that cultural socialization of preschool children takes place. Thus, students must realize that as soon as the child is sent to school, the emphasis of cultural socialization shifts from family to school environments and the latter become the major sources of language development and make children reshape their experiences and language patterns (Minami, 2002). Few employees possess knowledge and skills necessary to distinguish between orality and literacy and to explain conditions necessary for literacy to develop and sustain. Obviously, â€Å"whenever human beings exist they have a language, and in every instance a language that exists basically as spoken and heard, in the world of sound† (Ong, 2002), but even the richness of gesture cannot disrupt the link between literacy and oral speech language – even sign languages used by the deaf heavily rely on

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Importance of Communication in Business

The Importance of Communication in Business Communication is the lifeblood of a business organization; no organization can succeed or progress, without effective communication. We can build good relationship within or outside the organization, build organizational image etc, through effective communication In any business, the communication of information is an essential part of three key business activities: Management decision-making (without relevant, timely and accurate information, decision-making at any level becomes quite tricky!) Co-ordination of departments, teams and groups e.g. making sure that marketing, production and administration know what each other is doing, when and why Motivation of individuals A program that focuses on general communication processes and dynamics within organizations. Includes instruction in the development and maintenance of interpersonal group relations within organizations; decision-making and conflict management; the use of symbols to create and maintain organizational images, missions, and values; power and politics within organizations; human interaction with computer technology; and how communications socializes and supports employees and team members. (Source: U. S. Department of Education) Process: Communication is a dialogue, not a monologue. In fact, communication is more concerned with a dual listening process. For communication to be effective, the message must mean the same thing to both the sender and the receiver. Directions: Horizontal/Literal Diagonal Vertical Horizontal/Literal Communication: Horizontal communication normally involves coordinating information, and allows people with the same or similar rank in an organization to cooperate or collaborate. Communication among employees at the same level is crucial for the accomplishment of work. Horizontal Communication is essential for: Solving problems Accomplishing tasks Improving teamwork Building goodwill Boosting efficiency Diagonal Communication: Less common; this involves interdepartmental communication by people at different levels. A good example would be a project team drawn from different grades and departments Vertical Communication: In a organization, vertical communication is communication between those who are on different levels of authority within the company. Examples are: manager to employee, general manager to managers, foreman to machine operator, head of the department to cashiers, etc. It includes Top-Down and Bottom-Up communications. Top-Down Bottom-Up Top-Down Bottom-Up TOP-Down Communication: A flow of communication from higher management to the lower level in the form of Orders, Instructions, and Plans. Information flowing from the top of the organizational management hierarchy and telling people in the organization what is important (mission) and what is valued (policies). Downward communication generally provides enabling information à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ which allows a subordinate to do something e.g.: Instructions on how to do a task. This type of communication is needed in an organization to: Transmit vital information Give instructions Encourage 2-way discussion Announce decisions Seek cooperation Provide motivation Boost morale Increase efficiency Obtain feedback Bottom-Up Communication: A flow of communication from the lower level to high level in the form of suggestions, feedback, and information. Upward communication is the flow of information from subordinates to superiors, or from employees to management. Without upward communication, management works in a vacuum, not knowing if messages have been received properly, or if other problems exist in the organization. By definition, communication is a two-way affair. Yet for effective two-way organizational communication to occur, it must begin from the bottom. Upward Communication is a mean for staff to: Exchange information Offer ideas Express enthusiasm Achieve job satisfaction Provide feedback Top-Down Vs. Bottom-Up: External Communication External communication covers how a provider interacts with those outside their own organization. This may be with the public, employers, community organizations, local authorities, job centres, careers offices, funding bodies, specialist agencies and other training providers. External communication is equally important as internal communication to provide a link between the employees and the shareholders and other third parties. As a matter of fact, external communication is considered as lifeblood of the modern business. External communication can be arranged by oral or verbal communication as well as through written media. Television Telex Telephone Tele printer Transmitters NWD ISD and other modern sophisticated communication technologies can be used for external communication. Written media like letters, circulars, Jl1emos, notices, legal notices, newspapers, magazines, manuals, periodical reports, pamphlets etc., are also used towards external communication. External correspondence is mostly in written form except in extraordinary circumstances resorting to telecommunication services. Internal/Organizational Communication Internal communication involves the communication that exists within a company and can take many forms. Key to the success of an organization is communication from within. In order to effectively engage in two-way symmetrical relations, (the goal of public relations practitioners), communication is essential internally. With increased use of e-mail, managers substitute face-to-face communication with email. Medium of internal Communication Employeesà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Handbook House Magazines and Newspapers Memos/Letters Reports Bulletin board notices Posters Computers/e-mail/Fax Functions of Internal and External Communications. Technology has rapidly expanded the types of internal and external communication available to organizations. The diagram illustrates the vast array of internal and external communication available. Combined together internal and external types of communications allow various sectors of the local, national and international community to interact, liaise and conduct business. Communication Policy Communication policy defines and controls the process of communicating information in order to make relation with other institutions, professional bodies and within organization. It also helps in making relation with the public through internet, publications and events. It gives us guidelines and restrict us in order to share information. Communication policy defines controls the process of communicating information Relations with other institutions, professional bodies, and within organization Relations with the public through Internet, publications and events; and Relations with the media. Protecting Sensitive Information: Information technology (IT) security is indispensable to an organizationà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s ability to conduct business and achieve its objectives Security requirements affect almost every business process and system, and successful security measures help protect a businessà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ brand value, stakeholder confidence, risk management strategies, and compliance status. Requirements vary among industries, geographies, and regions, but the need to protect privacy, retain important data, and facilitate e-discovery are common to all For example: Once we initiative the activity in our office. We feel as we are not having Privacy Data confidentiality must also include intellectual property and other company-sensitive data to protect stakeholder interests and brand reputation. Data Retention Requirements Data retention requirements are mandated in support of right-to-information acts or in securities trades, which may be investigated years after the fact Data retention laws vary across geographies but have the common theme of specifying that certain types of data be stored for specific periods of time Privacy Pervades e-Discovery and Data Retention Requirements Tamperproof with an audit trail (data integrity) Only viewable by authorized parties (access control) Protected from viewing by unauthorized parties (confidentiality through encryption) Conclusion Developing a communication strategy and its implementation in an efficient and effective manner is quite beneficial for an organization. You need to be transparent about your goals and values. Consistency has to be maintained. You need to adopt comprehensive persuasive methods for that. All this needs a long term focus. The importance of communication in business The importance of communication in business In our daily life, communication is a tool that uses to maintain the relationship in between people surrounded us, and there will be no different in business environment. Business firm used communication tools or channel to start or maintain a good relationship with their shareholder and stakeholder. From the separate understanding, business is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦any goods and services that sent into the market for purpose of exchanging benefits or profits ( Communication is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a process that involves exchange of information, thought, idea and emotion from sender to receiver through one or two way deliveringà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ ( So business communication can be defined as a process or tools that helps business to show, promote and present their companys latest products/ services, current promotion, their market positioning, and situation. For example, Digi telecommunication will compare their product is better that others in their promotion catalog. Source: DiGi Prepaid Campus Plan Rate, 2010. By having a good communication system, it will lead the business to success. Business communication is divided in to two types that are internal and external. Internal communications is the communication system that used inside the company and it has function of building up a good relationship in between the company and their staff and it give the opportunity for employees and employer to develop strategy for improvement and setting goals together. Internal communication is also a fundamental element for maintaining an organization, improving employees morale value, promoting a vivid message and reducing errors in communication. In the other side, external communication is functioned form outside of the company. It involved goods and services production, advertising of the company, public relation, and the business negotiation. External communication is important because it exchanged the information or messages in between the organization with other firms, groups, which linked to pro fit making. Besides that, external communication main task is to make the organization cooperate smoothly with the public/stakeholder such as suppliers, investors and stockholders and also to promote a bright image on their goods or services to current and new potential customers. Business communication is an important tool for the company which will help every company to improve and also develop themselves. Context There are certain channels of communication that helps business to promote them, which are Internet, Print (Publication) Radio, Television, Ambient Media, Outdoor and words of mouth. Internet First of all, as the technology is kept on innovating, Internet has become a common tool to communicate and information transfer. By using Internet, people can communicate easily and efficiently, thought internet people can communicate with their friend and family around the world at anytime. From this perceptive, Internet has attracted people to do business through it. When goods and services sell through online, the market is global wide means thats the goods or services can be purchase by the people around the world. The internal business communication system in Internet is thats the employees can communicate and deliver important notice through email to their superior or subordinate. There are many company have their own email system for prevent their important file or data spread to the outside world and also to make their employees work more easily. For example; Eastern Oxygen Industries Sdn Bhd has their own email system for their employees to keep update on the situation of t he production and also let them done their works easily when they are not in the office. Image from: In other side, the external influences of business communication tools are usage of the internet advertising and promotion to attract the attention of potential customers. Normally, marketers/firms will choose the high hits website to invest in, such as YouTube, Amazon,, EBay, and etc. By putting their advertisement banner at the website, the firm can save time and costs. Because consumers can come across the product randomly at anytime that they are convenient as long as they surf the Internet. Another advantage of promoting through Internet is it does not require any specific product and consumer groups. All products can be promoted regardless of the type of product and the targeted consumer groups. Resource from: Besides promoting through website banner, marketer will also keep updated with their consumer by sending them the latest promotion or deals through email. Marketer will use their existed data base to create the business opportunity. This method is often used by software firms such as Megaupload, cyberlink, brothersoft and others to ensure that their customers are aware on their promotion and allowing them to purchase cheaper software product than other consumers. This will make the customers feel prioritized and appreciated by the firm. The image: Cyberlink Promotion through e-mail. Publication Print (Publications) Publications are another tool that business used to communicate with public. Its included all the product of books or other written material thats available in the market to anyone who interested through distribution or offer for the purpose of selling or other monetary exchange. ( Publications involve all information that is made to public through printing distribution such as newspaper, brochures and magazines. Advertising in newspaper is one of the most common forms and effective way to promote products because people will read the newspaper every day. Normally newspapers have two types of advertisement. First is text advertisement, it normally used as vacancy and small retail advertisement. It is a communication tools that help the company to sending massages to the external environment of the company and help them to find new members. For example, when a company advertise a hiring advertisement in newspapers, people that had read this advertisement will know this company is lacking of employees and they will intro their friend that are qualified to have a try on that position. Another type of newspaper advertising is display advertisement, these advertisement are normally use by commercial firm. It helps the firm to promote their goods and services, and also help them to attract new customer group. Magazines are another type of publication thats used by marketer to promote products. There are different types of magazines such as business magazines, mobile magazines, schools magazines, and etc. The advertisement are made depends on the target market of the goods and service. For example; Ring tone supply firm will do their advertisement in Mobile phone magazines such as e-ring, Sogi and others. Besides advertising on the companys goods and services in magazine, business magazines are also important to the business for seeking new investor to the company. These business magazines will interview the high potential company and analyze the company future movement for the reader. Sometimes business firm will also announce their company new project or upcoming plan to the magazine, and reader will able to know the company current and follow this information to do invest. Example of business magazines are Forbes, Times magazines, Business Week, The Edge TM and others. Radio Radio is another channel of business communication that helps business to communicate or deliver information to customer or stakeholder. Radio advertisements are only transmitted orally but it can reach a wide range of consumers because we normally use car or others transport to our destination and when we had stuck in the traffic jam we will turn on the radio. From this perspective, the radio advertising is targeted on the driver so the advertisement needs to be very specific and full of sense of humors. There are some disadvantage on advertising through radio thats are the advertisements does not have any visual or text, so it might fail attracting youngster especially students and young adults because they like visual stimulus more than oral stimulus. Television Television advertisement is an effective way to promote product and attract customers to purchases the product. The factor of television advertisement is different and more success than radio advertisement is because of it contains vivid motion and picture to promote the product. Besides that, it has interesting description and creative presentation that gave the products or services the chances to gain audiences attention and make them got the desire to buy or own the products. There are also some factors that firms need to consider when promoting their product through television. First, the advertisements fees of television are very costly; the firm needs to consider the time, way and contents to be broadcast. A research done by, said that the estimated average cost of producing a 30-second commercial advertisement in the Super Bowl are coasted around $2.4 million, so the business need to fully utilized the costs to reach the targeted consumer group. The second factors that need to be considered are related to the demographic of the target market. Marketer need to follow the demographic of their potential consumers to fix in the broadcast time of their advertisement. For example, toys products advertisements need to broadcast on the time that kids were watching cartoon. By following these ways, business firm will be able to spend more efficiently on attracting their targeted consumer groups. Words of mouth The last business communication channel is word of mouth. Word-of-Mouth is the most efficient communication tools but it also a high risk utility. Word-of-Mouth is the informal communication between consumers of particular goods and services (Neal et al, 2004). If the firm used word of mouth as the tools to promote their product, they need explain the product clearly to ensure that the listener can fully understanding about the information because the listener might spread the false or blur information about the product to their friends or relatives if they didnt understand clearly, and this will cause the business to have a bad images/reputation on their product although it is a good product. Normally, the people who run the Word-of-Mouth tools are the opinion leader of any group. Opinion leader is defined as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦an individual who has a greater long-term involvement with a product category than the non-opinion leaders in his or her groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Neal et al, 2004) The characteristic of an opinion leader are they can interpersonal communicate with their follower and observe the followers consume behaviors, have the similar demographic characteristics with the follower and have involvement with a product category than the non-opinion leaders in his or her group. So marketer will targeted these opinion leaders when they are using Word-of-Mouth as the business communication tools to promote or attract to purchase their goods and service. Examples of opinion leader are CEO, parents, and etc. For example, when the parents are using Maxis as the telecommunication tool, then their children will follow them. Conclusion As a conclusion, business communication is the key to success as the business wont succeed without communication. The reason of business communication is a fundamental element to business is because it helps the company to communicate with their employees and help them to motive, satisfy, and fulfill their employees need and wants. In another side, it also helps the employees to understand the company target goals, future achievement, the company policies and authority, and etc. Besides that, business communication tools also help the business to promote their goods and services to the public through all kind of advertising path. But advertisements are very costly for the business so the types of advertisement are the main issue that the company needs to consider. The company needs to follow their products and target market to choose their advertising tools. For example, if the company is selling toys and their target market are kids so they need to do advertisement in television on cartoons channels. Besides that, business communication tools also help the company to communicate with the public. For example, the vacancy advertisement in newspaper has sent the information to the public thats the company is lack of employees so those who want to find job can go this company for an interview. However, business communication has also disadvantages but it depends how the business utilize it. APA Referencing Consumer behavior: implication for marketing strategy, Neal, Quester and Hawkins, 2004, Australia: McGraw-hill Australia Pty Limited., 20 march 2011 1312 hours,, 21 march 2011 1520 hours, Ehow, Fenell, 22 March 2011 1436 hours, Thefreedictionary, Farlex, 30 March 2011 1444 hours,